He was the first animation film made by Walt Disney Productions, the premiere took place on December 21 1937.Is show and a story of homonymous Guys Grimm.A first major animation film made in the USA, the biggest success in 1938 and remained until today one of the most loved cartoon.

8 comentarii:

  1. i like you blog too..
    by the way, where do you come from???

  2. Referitor la comentariul tau .. de la postarea mea . Daca o relatie nu te face sa te simti pe deplin implinita si nu renunti inseamna ca .. te lasi singura intr`o lume nefericita. Asa ma simteam eu atunci.

  3. I have a copy and I watch it sometimes. Great movie.

  4. hiii ana thanks for comment,
    you have very nice blogs i love the photos
    i loved this since i was kid and i still love it, and watch all its movies :D

  5. Hi Ana. Thanks for visiting my blog.. :) I love watching Snow White too & I definitely love this blog. :)

  6. hallo, I love all Disny Trick Movie.
    warte jetzt dringend auf König der Löwen, fehlt noch als DVD.
    Beauty your Blog.

  7. that was theeee best!!...those disney guys were so hard working!!!!:)

  8. Anonim13:00

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
